Vista Cardiac:
AI-Powered CMR Scan
The New Way to CMR Imaging
Intelligent software that automates and simplifies image acquisition so all technologists
can perform a CMR scan with quality, consistency, and efficiency.
CMR acquisition, simplified
- Fast, reliable quality imaging from technologists at any experience level
- Increased patient throughput with the same resources
- Consistent, shorter time blocks for accelerated clinical certainty

Automates all tedious tasks required of a technologist with speed and precision
Scan planning and localization in 30 seconds
Parameter tuning for optimal settings from the start
Real-time motion & artifact detection for instant re-scans
In-line analysis before the patient leaves the scanner
"Vista Cardiac is a vital tool to enhance the consistency and productivity of cardiac magnetic resonance studies across all levels of CMR expertise."
Dr. Raymond Kwong
Director of Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School
More patients. Same resources.

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