State of CMR in the U.S.

Cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) imaging is increasingly considered the gold standard in cardiac diagnostics[i], offering unparalleled clinical insights, including heart function, muscle scarring, blood flow patterns, tissue characterization, and angiography. In October 2021, American Heart Association (AHA) added its overwhelming support when it updated its clinical guidelines to include CMR as a Class 1 Recommendation […]

2021 updated AHA chest pain guidelines

Martha Gulati, Phillip D. Levy, Debabrata Mukherjee, Ezra Amsterdam, Deepak L. Bhatt, Kim K. Birtcher, Ron Blankstein, Jack Boyd, Renee P. Bullock-Palmer, Theresa Conejo, Deborah B. Diercks, Federico Gentile, John P. Greenwood, Erik P. Hess, Steven M. Hollenberg, Wael A. Jaber, Hani Jneid, José A. Joglar, David A. Morrow, Robert E. O’Connor, Michael A. Ross and Leslee J. Shaw

One-Click Spine MRI

Alfredo De Goyeneche, Eric Peterson, J. Jason He, N. Okai Addy, Juan M. Santos

Medical Imaging Meets NeurIPS Workshop at NeurIPS 2019